Among Us Game Night with Harrison Faculty Fellow Mona Merling


Come join the first Among Us game night Saturday nights at 9pm! If you have any friends whom you'd like to invite or any family members back home who would like to join, please invite them!
Among Us is a social deduction game (similar to Mafia or Werewolves), so we get to discuss a lot and it's a great way to meet some of your fellow Harrisonians. Join at the link below on Saturday 9-10pm and depending on how many people are playing we might split into breakout rooms, since each game can have up to 10 players, and then we can mute ourselves and play online together and unmute ourselves for the discussion sessions.
If you haven't played before and want to read about it:


Saturday March 20th, 2021 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM